ConneXions Tutoring started in March 2020 to alleviate the stresses of COVID-19. Our mission is to provide free ​tutoring services in all areas of study for students in grades K-12. From schoolwork to standardized test preparation to college application support, we have tutors and advisors that accommodate a wide range of topics. We have supported over 560 students and provided 3100+ hours of service.


"Ankitha was so impressive at all. She was very nice at the session, during session she was professional. She reviewed my personal essay, helped me to finalize my activities section. She really assisted me to write a KILLER description for the activities.”
- Youssef K, college applicant

"Knowledgeable, patient, and positive—an amazing tutor who makes learning enjoyable and concepts easy to grasp! My 5th grader loves her sessions, and we’re so grateful for this service!"
- Anika T, 5th grade parent

"Probably the most genuine and helpful people."
- Yonatan, SAT Student

"Very welcoming and kind, listened to my story and incorporated that into constructively criticizing my essay, pointed out my weak spots, and even gave me college and scholarship advice at the end of the session. Overall an incredibly helpful experience!"
- Misa H, college applicant


Check out ConneXions Tutoring featured in these articles!

KROC 106.9
SUN Thisweek